What is the ‘Patient-at-home-questionnaire’?

The patient-initiated questionnaire is used to collect information from patients prior to their Skin Analytics teledermatology appointment.

If your organisation uses the ‘Patient-at-home-questionnaire’ then the patient will have been sent out a link to the questionnaire included in a text message or email at the time of booking their appointment.

The link will take the patient into the Skin Analytics platform where they will initiate the creation of a case containing their personal details (Name, DOB, NHS number, Hospital Number) and collecting their medical history.

The questionnaire will help to prepare patients for their appointment by allowing them the opportunity to read through the patient information leaflet and familiarise themselves with the various aspects of consent.

Completion of the questionnaire will ensure patients arrive into the hub better informed, and will help to improve their overall experience of their appointment.


Searching for a case created by a patient

  1. Cases initiated by a patient will be listed under the ‘In Progress’ tab and will have a status of ‘Created’.


  1. Search for the patient by their hospital number/name/DOB.

    It is good practice to adopt a 3 point safety check with the patient to ensure the correct case created by the patient-initiated questionnaire is located. Any of the following 3 points can be checked - First name, Last name, NHS number, Hospital Number, Date of birth. This will prevent patient information being added to the wrong case on the platform.

  2. Be aware that there is a possibility of the patient creating duplicate cases if they’ve completed the questionnaire more than once. If this happens then the additional cases will need to be abandoned so that there is only one case active for the patient.

Updating the case

  1. Ensure the patient’s personal details are up to date and correct. These can be edited in Skin Analytics if inputted incorrectly by the patient.
  2. Work through the medical history questions with the patient to check they are happy with their answers. Update any answers in Skin Analytics if required.
  3. Complete the lesion history questions with the patient. Use the optional notes box to add any further detail to the patient answers.